Apa sing kudu dibayar nalika katup bola ditrapake ing pipa?


Rong sebab utama yaikukatup balkarusakan yaiku: dhisik, saklar katup ora ana; Kapindho, permukaan segel wis rusak.

Ana sawetara alasan sing mengaruhikatup balngalih ora ing panggonan
1) Due to the structure of the katup bal, the materials are easy to accumulate, and the materials are easy to accumulate in the valve cavity, bearing cavity, spring and valve cavity. Due to the structure of the katup bal, the materials are difficult to deal with, and the purging will greatly affect the coating of the ball.
2) Amarga asring mbukak lan nutup, bagean internal sakakatup balpangowahan lan sifat mekanik ganti.
3) Output silinder cilik banget kanggo ngasilake torsi sing cukup.
4) In the lock bucket valve, the longest phenomenon of katup bal is pressure holding and jam, which is determined by the lock bucket valve in its process position, and the structure of katup bal can not be avoided.
5) Fenomena ikatan logam utamane amarga ora cocog karo manufaktur ing pilihan lapisan sing angel.
6) Gagal scraper, utamane amarga pabrikan milih pilihan bahan scraper ora milih bahan sing pas, dadi kekakuane ora cukup, gampang deformasi, lan pilihan musim semi, kekuwatan musim semi durung cukup.
7) Amarga owah-owahan tekanan dhuwur ing ember kunci, pangisi gampang rusak.
8) Ekspansi panas lan kontraksi adhem
Ana sawetara sebab kerusakan sakakatup ballumahing nutup
1) Metal bonding, metal bonding phenomenon in hard seal katup bal damage can be said to be a great hero.
2) Korosi
3) Ndhelik.
4) Nyandhang lan nyuwek.
5) Erosi, amarga sakakatup bal in the process of use, corrosion, creep, friction is continuous, and the erosion of the katup bal, friction is always a part of friction, small damage leads to the aggravation of erosion, eventually make the katup balrampung ngilangi.

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